Any Korean speakers here? (Native/non-native) by perelandra | tildeverse BBJ

>0 perelandra @ 2021/10/26 17:13

I've been studying Korean for a few months in my spare time but taking it even more seriously lately. Looking for friends to practice with or just wondering how many Korean speakers we have on here. :)

>1 eoin @ 2021/11/03 22:54

>>OP Hi perelandra! Hope the Korean-learning is going well! I'm just back from a couple of years teaching English in Korea. I really loved it, but didn't manage to pick up much of the language (apart from some 'functional'/basic phrases that were useful in the classroom!). It's a tough language to learn, but well worth it I think, the country is really fascinating.

Anyway, I can't help you much with the language, but if you are planning on going there and have any questions you can always ask.

I also wanted to mention that there is one Gemini capsule that I know of that has some Korean content. The user is mieum and the capsule address is gemini://

>2 mieum @ 2021/11/14 05:43


Oh hey! I haven't been on bbj lately so I missed this :b

It is rare encountering Korean speakers in these 
parts! I think I may be the only other one haha. How 
did you become interested in Korean? I'm definitely 
available if you want to chat and get some practice :) 
Also I had started up a Korean instance of smolpub...I 
have been really busy, so I haven't really gotten 
around to inviting anyone, but if you're intersted in 
blogging in Korean let me know and I will set you up! 
You can find it over gopher/gemini/web at

You can mail me here at ~team if you wanna chat :)
I tried typing Korean here, and it didn't seem to work.
Is that a nano thing or a bbj thing? I'll have to try
again in vim.